CX Unraveled

We are CX Unraveled.

We are curious, determined and courageous.

Our mission

We want to help you unravel CX theory, tools and your personal CX context so that you can learn how to create truly better experiences in a fun way.

Our belief

We want to be a bit different from the others. We believe you will only learn how to truly create better experiences if we empower you to do it yourself, by transferring our knowledge and expertise. It’s important for us that you can translate what you learn from us to your own context and we take extra steps, like individual coaching sessions after each masterclass, to ensure you actually do that. And it makes us incredibly proud when you succeed and help us fulfill our vision: creating better experiences in this world!

Our way of working

Your personal CX context is the starting point for your journey with us. We offer customized journeys for yourself as well as your company or department. We’re hands on and practical. This means our sessions are interactive and you will definitely get your hands dirty practicing with a variety of CX tools. Last but not least we’re creative and curious and we’ll always put a bit of fun and playfulness into truly creating better experiences together with you.

Who we are

Who we are

Peter Verheijde

Peter gets energy from connecting to other people and turning key insights into practical solutions and better experiences.

Get to know Peter
Who we are

Thirza Schaap

Thirza’s mantra is “never trust your assumptions” and she loves it when she has empowered people to see how they can truly create better experiences.

Get to know Thirza

People don’t always remember what you say or even what you do, but they always remember how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou


We are hands-on. Our sessions are interactive and you’ll definitely get your hands dirty.


We like to make things personal. Your context is the starting point for our journey together.


Our approach is always fun and creative with serious results.

Questions? Looking to chat over a (digital) latte?

Send us a message and let us know the best way to get back to you!

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