CX In 2 Full Days

In this CX 2 days Masterclass, you will learn the ins and outs of customer experience. We’ll cover everything there is to know about the customer experience framework and we give you tips and tricks on creating solid business cases. This masterclass is packed with best practices and practical knowledge that you can instantly apply during excerises with your own case. Moreover, we’ll give you an overview of useful CX tools and this masterclass comes with an individual 1-hour coaching session.

Do you want to scale up your CX knowledge, grow as a professional and learn how you can create better experiences within your organization? Then this masterclass is for you!

These 2 full days will be held at our office in a historic 17th Century Building in the heart of Amsterdam.

CX In 2 Full Days

Customer Experience is the new competitive battleground for business. Price and quality are no longer key competition drivers for companies. The companies that stand out to customers are the ones that invested in creating an unrivalled experience. But what is Customer Experience? And how can you create these unrivalled experiences, instead of leaving them no chance? Get inspired and activated in 2 days!

CX In Practice

  • Deep dive into the CX framework: main theory and concepts of all 6 pillars and a wide variety of best practices
  • Facts, figures and how to build a business case to get others engaged in your CX-efforts
  • Fill up your CX Toolbox: learn and practice with all main CX Tools. Learn how to roll our your CX Strategy, improve your Voice of the Customer Program, how to run an Ideation Session, or work on your own CX KPI Framework.

Throughout the day you can work with your own case and immediately apply the things you’ve learned into your own context.

Future proof customer journey map

  • Interactive Customer Journey Mapping exercise
  • Moving from your current to your desired Customer Journey Map

Our way of working

To ensure an optimal learning experience, the masterclass will have a personal intake to discuss your learning goals as well as a follow up coaching session in which we can further discuss on how to apply your learnings into your personal context. This full day Masterclass will be held at our office in Amsterdam.

Do you want to scale up your CX knowlegde, grow as a professional and learn how you can create better experiences within your organization?

Then this masterclass is for you!


Peter Verheijde

Peter is a passionate and certified Customer Experience professional (CCXP), working over 25 years in this exciting field. With his roots in customer research,  both at agency as in company, he has a strong customer focus in everything he does. Within his professional journey he worked on all major CX areas. He gets energy from connecting to other people and turning key insights into practical solutions and better experiences.


Thirza Schaap

Thirza sometimes jokingly calls herself a CX and Human Centered Design fanatic and there is definitely a truth in that. She has over 15 years of experience in the Customer Experience field and has helped create better customer & employee experiences at KLM, Dutch Railways, Guidion and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thirza’s mantra is “never trust your assumptions” and she loves it when she has empowered people to see how they can truly create better experiences. 

Apply for this masterclass

The price for this masterclass is € 1.499,- excl. VAT