Customer Journey Mapping: In 2 Half Days Online

Customer Journey Mapping is definitively the most used tool within CX to effectively improve the customer experience.

It is a structured technique to map the expectations and experiences of customers during the different phases of a service. The technique gives companies the opportunity to visualize needs, expectations, uncertainties, emotions and frustrations of the customer in one overview.

During the customer journey mapping masterclass we will guide you through the what and the why of customer journey mapping, as well as how it relates to other alignment diagrams. Moreover, we will cover the key elements of journey mapping such as persona’s and journey scoping and throughout the masterclass, we will put the acquired knowledge into action through several exercises.

These 2 half days will be held online on Zoom.

Customer Journey Mapping

The most used tool within CX to effectively improve the customer experience. A structured technique to map a customer's expectations and experiences during the different phases of a service. The technique gives companies the opportunity to visualize the actions, needs, emotions and frustrations of the customer in one overview.


  • What and why of Customer Journey Mapping
  • Relation to other types of alignment diagrams like service blueprints and experience maps

Key elements of journey mapping

  • Persona’s: at the basis of your journey map
  • Principles for you succes: do’s and don’ts
  • Journey scoping and what to include in your map
  • Mapping the ‘as is’ and the ‘to be’ journey

Putting things to practice

  • Journey mapping in your organisation: from planning the sessions to implementing improvements
  • Main templates: to be used during your sessions
  • Learning by doing: map journeys during the day
  • Practice your facilitation skills
  • Overview of the main journey software


Our way of working

To ensure an optimal learning experience session, the Masterclass is followed up with a 1 hour personal coaching session, in which we can expand on Customer Journey Maps in your organization or discuss any other CX related topic.

The masterclass will be held at our office in a historic 17th century building in the heart of Amsterdam.

Are you ready for an unrivaled experience?

Do you want to get the ins & outs of Customer Journey Mapping, get inspired and activated by us to create distinctive experiences yourself?

Then this masterclass is for you!


Peter Verheijde

Peter is a passionate and certified Customer Experience professional (CCXP), working over 25 years in this exciting field. With his roots in customer research,  both at agency as in company, he has a strong customer focus in everything he does. Within his professional journey he worked on all major CX areas. He gets energy from connecting to other people and turning key insights into practical solutions and better experiences.


Thirza Schaap

Thirza sometimes jokingly calls herself a CX and Human Centered Design fanatic and there is definitely a truth in that. She has over 15 years of experience in the Customer Experience field and has helped create better customer & employee experiences at KLM, Dutch Railways, Guidion and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thirza’s mantra is “never trust your assumptions” and she loves it when she has empowered people to see how they can truly create better experiences. 

Apply for this masterclass

The price for this masterclass is € 599,- excl. VAT