CX Advanced

In this CX Advanced Masterclass, we’ll cover the latest trends in the world of CX as well as useful tools that you can use to improve CX management in your company. Next to this, we will discuss management and leadership principles that can help you to convince your stakeholders of the importance of CX and get priority for CX projects. Additionally, you’ll broaden your network with other CX professionals and have the opportunity to get feedback on your current CX challenges.

This masterclass is created for CX professionals with at least 3 years experience in the field of CX, and it will be held at our office in a historic 17th century building in the heart of Amsterdam.

CX Advanced

Customer Experience is the new competitive battleground for business. Price and quality are no longer key competition drivers for companies. The companies that stand out to customers are the ones that invested in creating an unrivalled experience. But what is Customer Experience? And how can you create these unrivalled experiences, instead of leaving them no chance? Get inspired and activated in 1,5 day!

The topics that will be covered in this masterclass

  • The newest trends that will shape CX
  • The most useful tools to manage the CX (and get hands-on experience with them!)
  • Management and leadership principles to get priority for your CX projects
  • Feedback on your specific CX challenges
  • Including a 1 day masterclass, an 1-hour, individual, coaching session and a comeback session of half a day.

Our way of working

This masterclass has a personal intake session to ensure everyone has the same interest and amount of experience. A 1-hour coaching session is included as well to adress your specific questions and to help you put the theory into practice in your personal context. Additionally, a comeback session is included where we will refresh your memory and discuss your progress.


Do you want to discover the newest trends, insights and tools in the field of CX? Or, do you want to learn about new principles that help you to get priority for your CX projects?



Peter Verheijde

Peter is a passionate and certified Customer Experience professional (CCXP), working over 25 years in this exciting field. With his roots in customer research,  both at agency as in company, he has a strong customer focus in everything he does. Within his professional journey he worked on all major CX areas. He gets energy from connecting to other people and turning key insights into practical solutions and better experiences.


Thirza Schaap

Thirza sometimes jokingly calls herself a CX and Human Centered Design fanatic and there is definitely a truth in that. She has over 15 years of experience in the Customer Experience field and has helped create better customer & employee experiences at KLM, Dutch Railways, Guidion and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thirza’s mantra is “never trust your assumptions” and she loves it when she has empowered people to see how they can truly create better experiences. 

Apply for this masterclass

The price for this masterclass is € 999,- excl. VAT