Energizer: the secret triangle

"The secret triangle" is an energizer or team-building activity designed to promote team bonding and encourage participants to work together.

Objective: The goal of this activity is to foster better team cohesion and make participants think strategically and cooperate without revealing their choices. Minimum group size: 6


  1. Scattered Participants: Initially, have all the participants spread out or scatter themselves around the room. This is to ensure they are not close to each other when they start the activity.
  2. Select Two People: Each participant is instructed to choose two people from the group in their mind without revealing their choices to anyone else. This is the secret part of the activity.
  3. Create an Imaginary Triangle: As everyone continues to move around, participants are asked to position themselves in a way that creates an imaginary triangle using the people they've chosen in step 2. This means they need to strategically move so that the two people they've selected become the three points of a triangle with themselves as the third point. It's important that they do this without discussing their choices with others or revealing who they've picked.
  4. Surprising Outcome: The fun part of the activity is letting the participants create the triangle and then observing the result. This activity often leads to unexpected arrangements and interactions as people try to form the desired triangle while avoiding revealing their choices to others.
  5. Evaluate: After participants have successfully formed their imaginary triangles without revealing their choices to others, it's time to gather the group and reflect on the activity. This step is essential for the participants to discuss and learn from the experience. Here's how it can be done:
  • Guess Who The Two People Were: Ask each participant to reveal the two people they had in mind when forming their imaginary triangle. This step is crucial because it allows participants to see if others correctly guessed the people they chose. It can be surprising to find out if others guessed correctly or not.
  • Share Experiences: Encourage participants to share their experiences during the activity. Did they find it challenging to position themselves without revealing their choices? What strategies did they use to create the desired triangle? Were there any surprises or unexpected interactions? This discussion helps participants understand the dynamics of the group and how different strategies were employed.
  • Discuss Strategies: Encourage participants to explain the strategies they used to position themselves in the triangle. Some participants may have opted to stand still, while others might have decided to move strategically to achieve their goal. Discussing these strategies can lead to insights into how people approach problem-solving and cooperation.

Purpose: This energizer encourages participants to work together non-verbally to achieve a common goal. It promotes team bonding, trust, and collaboration as participants need to carefully analyze the group dynamics and strategically position themselves without direct communication. The surprise element adds an element of fun and challenge to the activity.